Florida Sandplay Therapy Association, Inc.
Trudy Corry Rankin Patricia Dunn Fierstein
215 E. Bay Street, Suite 4 609 West Azeele Street Lakeland, FL. 33801 Tampa, FL. 33606
TEL: 863-682-2810 . TEL: 813-253-3797
FAX: 863-682-0098 FAX: 813-920-0394
When geometric diagrams and digits
Are no longer the keys to living things,
When people who know about singing and kissing
Know deeper things than the great scholars,
When society is returned once more
To unimprisoned life, and to the universe,
When light and darkness mate once more
And make something entirely transparent,
When people see in poems and fairy tales
The true history of the world,
Then our entire twisted nature will uncoil
And be free at a single secret word spoken.
Novalis, 1800
Sandplay Therapy provides an expressive modality for healing and transformative work.
Through the use of miniatures and dry and wet sandboxes, individuals express their reality.
The connection with the unconscious in symbolic expression allows for work that affects conscious choices & decisions.
The sandplay process provides individuals with a deeper level of awareness and healing, unlimited by language.
Transformation of worldview and personal relevance is experienced.
This work has proven effective for a variety of emotional difficulties.
The Sandplay process is effective for adults and children.
It provides a means for significant insights for those on transformative journies of personal growth that then impacts the world.